Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Woo: March

This month has been a CRAZY one! Megan and Sarah are super busy.. and me, well, I don't have that great of an excuse. However, we wanted to sqeeze in THE WOO for MARCH. There won't be any comments or suggestions from us this month, just a talk that you can read. AN AWESOME TALK. Just something to think about.

By Elder Lynn G Robbins

It really is a wonderful talk and he makes a LOT of great point! Here are a few highlights of the talk.. however, if you get the chance GO READ IT!!!!
"Somewhere in the history of the English language the expression “fall in love” began to be used to describe the sublime experience of finding someone to love. While it is a beautiful idiom, there was inherent risk involved in selecting the verb fall because it mostly means accidental, involuntary, with no choice involved. And subtly, it has also led to the use of its distressing corollary, “We fell out of love,” an all-too-common phrase heard nowadays as an excuse for a failed marriage. “Falling in love” and “falling out of love” sound as if love were something that cannot be controlled.

Many who feel they are falling out of love with their spouse throw their hands up in resignation as if they were victims of an outside influence that controls them. They begin to wonder, “Do I really want to be married to this man (or woman) for eternity?” Having fallen out of love, as they suppose, they begin to drift apart, often saying things to hurt one another. “I don’t love you anymore” is a common assertion. They tolerate one another for the children’s sake, resenting one another; or they separate, believing their differences to be irreconcilable. The result is a damaged or destroyed family, another casualty of Satan’s assault."

If a husband and wife are willing to apply the scriptural definition of love to their relationship, even a stale marriage and romance can be revived. Stephen R. Covey relates the following experience:

“At one seminar, after I’d spoken on the importance of demonstrating character within the family, a man came up and said, ‘I like what you’re saying, but my wife and I just don’t have the same feelings for each other that we used to. I guess we don’t love each other anymore. What can I do?’

“ ‘Love her,’ I replied.

“He looked puzzled. ‘How do you love when you don’t feel love?’

“ ‘My friend,’ I responded, ‘love is a verb. The feeling of love is the fruit of love. So love your wife. You did it once, you can do it again. Listen. Empathize. Appreciate. It’s your choice. Are you willing to do that?’

“Of course, I was asking this man if he was willing to search within himself for the character required to make his marriage work. All our relationships follow the contours of life; they have ups and downs. This is why our families provide a critical measure of our character—and the opportunity, again and again to nurture it.”

Scripturally, the Lord is very clear with us on this doctrine—you can’t “fall out of love,” because love is something you decide. Agency plays a fundamental role in our relationships with one another. This being true, we must make the conscious decision that we will love our spouse and family with all our heart, soul, and mind; that we will build, not “fall into,” strong, loving marriages and families. “Don’t just pray to marry the one you love. Instead, pray to love the one you marry.”

We encourage you to read the talk and take the challenge to make your marriage one that can LAST!
LOVE IS A VERB!! It requires ACTION!!!!!!!! Let's make a goal to LOVE our spouse atleast once a day... AT LEAST! That meaning SHOWING them LOVE by DOING something!!! Happy LOVING!!!!!!!!

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